GPA Calculator
Grade 11 & 12

Only select the subject for which you have taken the exam.

C. Nepali
Practical: Theory:

C. English
Practical: Theory:

C. Social/Math
Practical: Theory:

Practical: Theory:

Practical: Theory:

Computer Science
Practical: Theory:

Practical: Theory:

Business Studies
Practical: Theory:

Please note that scoring below 35% (less than 26.25 out of 75 full marks) in any single subject will result in a "Non Graded" (NG) designation on your marksheet, necessitating a re-exam for that subject. Most subjects require a pass mark of 26.25, except for computer. Failing in any subject requires a re-exam, but the advantage is that you only need to retake the exams for the subjects you've failed, without having to wait until the next year.

Below is the table to compute your theoretical GPA for subjects with a total of 75 marks.

Marks GPA
67.5 to 75 4
60 to 67.5 3.6
52.5 to 60 3.2
45 to 52.5 2.8
37.5 to 45 2.4
30 to 37.5 2.0
26.25 to 30 1.6
Below 26.25 NG